B. Ways to protect animals. C. Things made from animals. 答案 B听力原文 W: Do you think we can actually help animals by giving some money to this organization? M: Yes, I think so. This organization is known for protecting endangered species. W: What else do you think we can do to...
agriculture has d___ half of all woodland and forests.9.More funds should be devoted to the c___ of freshwater resources and endangered species.10.An i___ is one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about.11.If you r___ things that have already been used,...
Air pollution is a leveler between rich and poor, according to WHO environment and health chief Maria Neira.57And one of the most important ways to reduce air pollution is to produce cleaner fuels for cooking and heating. “Almost half of the world population is using dirty fuels for cooking...
2.recyclevi.vt.再利用,回收利用【佳句背诵】Itisourresponsibilitytoappealtomorepeopletosaveandrecyclewater.[应用文之倡议书]呼吁更多人节约用水、回收利用水是我们的责任。 3.endangeredadj.濒危的【佳句背诵】Itishightimethatweshouldtakemeasurestoprotectendangeredcreatures.[应用文之倡议书]该是我们采取措施保护...
species or the importance of biodiversity for human well-being. This lack of awareness translates into limited public support for conservation initiatives and policies. Education and outreach programs are crucial in fostering a sense of responsibility and encouraging action to protect endangered species. ...
to help protect decreasing rabbit populations such as creating wildlife corridors, which are unbroken animal habitats that function like animal high-ways. “Efforts to reintroduce them on the Iberian Peninsula have been largely unsuccessful but we’ve managed to do this in the U. K.” Bell says...
"The greatest and most endangered species in the Amazon rainforest is not the jaguar or the harpy eagle," says Mark Plotkin, "It's the isolated and uncontacted tribes." In an energetic and sobering talk, the ethnobotanist brings us into the world of the
Dolphin intelligence is evident in a variety of ways. They demonstrate problem-solving abilities, self-awareness and complex social interactions. Studies have shown that dolphins can recognise themselves in mirrors, which so far has only been achieved by the most intelligent of animals. Furthermore,...
中华穿山甲ChinesePangolin 金丝猴theGoldenMonkey Conservation ∙Conservationisthecareandprotectionofresources sothattheycanpersistforfuturegenerations.∙Itincludesmaintainingdiversityofspecies,genes,andecosystems,aswellasfunctionsoftheenvironment,suchasnutrientcycling(养分循环).Usethediagramtotalkaboutthethingsthatneed...
.decreasevi.vt.减少n.减少;减少的量①Thepopulationbegantodecrease. ___②Theydecreasedthesizeofthegroupfrom25to15. ___③Thedecreaseinsaleswasalmost20percent. ___2.affectv.影响;侵袭;使感染;(感情上)深深打动①Youropinionwillnotaffectmydecision. ___②Theyweredeeplyaffectedbythenewsofherdeath. __...