B. when she was still a medical student at that school C. when the weather was very hot in the summer D. as she found out that she had much more to learn 答案:B 指导:由短文的第三段可知。 5. Choose the best title for the passage from among the following. A. The First Woman Doc...
she behaved in a non-normative way). But nothing emerges about the aggressor (marital status, profession, emotional, romantic or sexual history, or other elements). We are only informed that he is an adult, 29 years old, who
As a somatic therapist, I want to emphasize the importance of staying connected to your body and breathing while having a conversation about your mental health needs at work. Whether you are considering taking a medical leave of absence or want more accommodations at work, know that you are no...
2016 DOI: 10.1057/palcomms.2016.101 OPEN "They never talk about a victim's feelings: according to criminal law, feelings are not facts"— Portuguese judicial narratives about sex crimes Isabel Ventura1 ABSTRACT Sexual violence is a central dimension of what is generally called violence against ...
the first of which was this sign that was placed near where attendees entered the exhibit hall through a tunnel of stage lighting. As a physician, I don’t feel very good about knowingly excluding a subset of attendees on the basis of a medical condition. It seems that as a healthcare ...
Lastly, the mothers were asked to open the incubator’s window, talk or sing through it, and keep their heads about 20 cm away from the baby’s head. The researcher always made sure that the right position was in place. There were no other specific instructions given to the mothers, who...
If you’re going to use clinical terminology, make sure you are able to pronounce the words. Appearing as if you don’t know what you’re talking about is one of the fastest ways to lose credibility during a pitch. There are plenty of references out on the interwebs to help you ...
This is just an estimate since there is no standard for keeping track of medical errors. Lest you think this is a US problem, the authors point out that both Canada and the UK have a similar problem. Makary and Daniel offers suggestions for dealing with deadly errors, summarized in...
Sometimes your friends start to talk about a new video game or a new app they have downloaded. It sounds pretty cool, and your friends really seem to like it. You become so 61 (interest) in it that you want to buy it too. Has this ever happened to you In the US and in places...
阅读理解。 For almost two months Dominic York a 23-year-old hairdresser wandered about hospitals at night wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor. Yesterday he proudly claimed in court that despite his complete lack of medical experience or qualifications he had saved several people'...