图片信息简介:不要让它再次出现-Talidat胃药平面广告·图片编号为934279,上传时间为2014-06-12 02:32:55,格式为JPG,颜色模式为RGB,分辨率为72 Dpi。 特别提醒:本站所有作品收集于网络,版权均属各自所有者,本站素材仅提供学习参考,请勿商用,如有侵权请联系我们邮箱(200894114#qq.com,把#换成@)删除,要购买全部...
Consulting director Neil Saunders states that the success of the company is due to great customer service, compelling and superior quality of products, and fair pricing.housewares
Janapriya Wine Drakshi TaligaluNo Abstractdoi:2416A.B. PatilD.R. PatilPhi Delta Kappa Inc.Phi Delta Kappan
The article reports gossip and rumor about political figures in Great Britain current during the week of September 28, 2009. A number of individuals are mentioned including Gordon Brown, the prime minister and head of the Labour Party...
Sherri Taliman, Navajo shepherdessDiscusses activities of Sherri Taliman in caring for goats at a Navajo Reservation in Arizona. Caring for kids; Shearing; Conduct of life; Traditions of Navajo Indians living in the reservation.Smith, Sheila
Imiglucerase/taliglucerase-αThe article presents case report of a boy who developed cough, laryngeal stridor, periorbital oedema, vomiting, headache, sweating, skin rash and tachypnoea following therapy with imiglucerase or taligluc...
The article describes the case of a 74-year-old woman who developed hypokalaemia after a long-term use of chlortalidone for hypertension. The patient's treatment regimen includes chlortalidone, omeprazole and alprazolam. Chlortalidone was withdrawn from the patient's reg...
Some applications of the main result are also considered.doi:10.1155/2010/618523G. ShanthkumarF.M. DuragannavarU.V. MummigattiAmerican Mineralogist