This is the concluding post for a two year effort focused on carrier aviation in 1942. The final piece borrows the title of James A. Michener’s Pulitzer Prize winning 1947 bookTales of the South Pacificto emphasize a point. This effort was never intended as a draft of a book, or as a...
高考英语 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained2(1) 摘要 确实存在很多难以解释的令人困惑的甚至令人惊奇的现象英语 正文 Unit One Tales of the unexplained(一) 【单元重点词汇】 1.occur vi.___ 2.villager n___ n___ 4.human being n.___ 5.laughter n___ vt.&...
Sainville eventually escapes from the Butuans and then travels to the South Pacific where he comes across the utopian land of Tamoé, ruled by the philosopher-king, Zamé. Zamé explains to Sainville how Tamoé is organised; in contrast to Butua, Zamé considers himself a First Citizen rat...
Behind my facade is an old pickup that has never worked quite right. It was supposed to be new, but it had a few flaws at the factory that get more out of kilter with time. The brakes have always been soft, the clutch pedal has to be pushed to the floor to change gears, and th...
As we struggled to make progress I knew Patrick was becoming frustrated. At the urging of the line man in whom Patrick confided, I manned up and told Patrick one day that flying airplanes isn’t easy, some people take more time than others and that I would understand if he chose not ...
He may still do well in the south but as a prospective PM, it seems the global times are not favourable to his proposed reforms, however excellent in intention. Women’s issues may not be a priority at this election. 2029 might be different. But, see that central Queen of Pentacles?
Our final three nights were spent relaxing on the popular west coast of Costa Rica, enjoying the hot tropical sunshine and abundant wildlife. The 195km journey from Monteverde in the mountains to Manuel Antonio on the Pacific coast took over 5 hours. 15kms down the road and we had a half...
The discourse of difference in Reisbrieven uit Afrika en Azi [1913] by Dr Aletta Jacobs: A dutch feminist's perspective on South Africa and the Dutch East ... Summary The sections on Southern Africa and Indonesia in Dr Aletta Jacobs's travel journal, Reisbrieven uit Afrika en Azi (1913)...
is the second sign of the Western Tropical Zodiac and represents the height of spring in the northern hemisphere, ruled by the planet Venus and the goddess herself in all her verdant mythological glory. Venus rules Taurus by day, and the Moon, which is exalted in the sign of the Bull, ru...