Their own version of Active Denial is operational and involves directed millimeter waves that will burn the skin of protestors in three seconds. These are the same waves used in the 5G system which will use your increasingly BAAL-conductive body as an antenna, so it doesn’t take much imagina...
The garlic test Put this one to the test at your own—and your partner's—risk! If you're able to eat a lot of garlic but not smell like it, apparently that means you're carrying a girl. No scientific study has found any evidence of this, of course. However, it's not the most...
self-awareness, and respect (mostly). Relationships are the beginning and ending of all the things in this life that are of value. I notice you learning and applying this to friends, work, love, and family. It makes me proud.
Watching the waves with Alex and Max at the Fiki Fiki Bar on Kuta Beach Wondering if the Robinsons, Dr. Smith, Major Don West, and the robot wereLost in Spaceupon the Jupiter 2, what happened to Jupiter (1)? The psychedelic, 60’s girl groups mood of Cindy Lee’sDiamond Jubilee,my ...