unused and forgotten. He did not need its leather-bound wisdom. He knew all he needed to instill fear in the hearts of those gathered in that church. The stifling air was drenched
Home Hacks You’ll Wish You Thought Of Yourself Esther-November 19, 20190 The Strange Details of Prince Harry’s Relationship with Meghan Markle That... Sophie-February 21, 20190 According to Rotten Tomatoes, These Are the 25 Worst Movies of... ...
I don’t know where Max will wind up in the annals of all time great dog movies. It came in as the 4th highest grossing movie over the weekend, with $12 million. It was number 2 among movies premiering this weekend. Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 38. I would love to know what your ...
Do they really think I want to keep any of those rotten little buggers? Are they afraid I am going to run a black market of used possums? Maybe I am selling raccoons out of my trunk in those parking lots! Release dates. That can be pretty tricky when it comes to deer and bobcats...
William Scottagreed the director needed to find the heart of the piece. "I saw a bit of the long cut and I thought there were a lot of really cool things in it," said Scott. "It definitely seemed like it needed to be shortened up a ...
It’s got what might be the largest cast and most difficult-to-describe storyline of any major motion picture this year, so of course, Richard Kelly‘s Southland Tales is being observed closely by many film lovers as it gets closer to its November release date. FirstShowing has been down...
So rich in natural resources, it is dubbed as the “Sardines Capital of the Philippines” as sardine fishing and processing accounts for about 70% of the city’s economy. Having said that, it is also known as the City of Flowers (the etymology of Zamboanga comes from the Malay word “ja...
On the “Calendaring” of Life We are only five days into the new year, but rather than talk of resolutions, this year I am focused on Time – in what feels like a new and weighty way. In the new year, we use calendar as a verb without much reflection. We plan our year, seeming...
and his friends straight by telling them four horrifying stories. One is about a guilt-riddled cop (Anthony Griffith) who goes crazy after ignoring his corrupt partner (Michael Massee). He also tells of a meek schoolboy (Brandon Hammond) with terrifying supernatural powers. Although the young ...
Synopsis Four trapped train passengers share their recent nightmares and come to the realization that these are much more than just dreams. Director Geno McGahee Screenwriter Geno McGahee Genre Horror Original Language English Release Date (Streaming) Mar 22, 2018 Runtime 1h 22m What...