3DS《深渊传说 Tales of the Abyss》英文版cia下载,《深渊传说》是一款角色扮演类型的游戏,本作中有着非常丰富的剧情内容以及画面制作效果,感兴趣的玩家快去下载体验吧。游戏类型:角色扮演游戏语言:日文游戏大小:2G游戏版本:日版发行日期:2011年6月30日发行厂商:万代南梦宫游戏名称:深渊传说3D...
3DS《深渊传说 Tales of the Abyss》日版1.01版3ds下载,《深渊传说》是传说系列中非常经典的一款作品。这次复刻在了3ds平台上。本次复刻拥有并不输给ps2的画面表现效果,并且游戏中新加入了许多要素。 英文名称:Tales Of the Abyss 游戏原名:テイルズオブジアビス 3D 游戏语言:日文 开发厂商:NBGI 发行厂商:NBGI ...
Abyssmal? - In the nine months or so that it’s been on sale, the 3DS has had a number of obstacles thrust upon it, but one major problem for early adopters...
New main visual drawn by character designer Kousuke Fujishima Tales of the Abyss 3Dis set to be released sometime during Spring for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan, but there has been no word on a release in different regions. You can see a large batch of new screenshots and art in our galler...
Tales of the Abyss (3DS Game) first released 25th Nov 2011, developed by Namco Tales Studio and published by Bandai Namco.
7.9 Good Check out the review Metacritic 75 User Avg 8.9 Tales of the Abyss Reviews News & Features Videos Cheats & Guides Latest on Tales of the Abyss 8 Tales of the Abyss Launch Trailer Tales of the Abyss is now available for the Nintendo 3DS! 19 Shippin' Out Feb. 12-18:...
PS2 3DS Follow7.9 Good Check out the review Metacritic 75 Tales of the Abyss Reviews News & Features Videos Cheats & Guides Namco did a great job on this...needs an improvement on graphics though.. User Rating: 9 | Tales of the Abyss PS2 By S0mEGuY12 | Review Date: May 25, ...
《Tales of the Abyss》是一款由日本游戏公司Bandai Namco Entertainment开发的角色扮演游戏。游戏以奇幻世界为背景,讲述了主角Luke的冒险故事。 故事发生在一个由四个大陆组成的世界中,这个世界的居民相信“寄生精灵”的存在,这些精灵可以给予人们强大的力量。玩家将扮演Luke,一个被寄生精灵封印的贵族,并与一群伙伴一起...
Tales of the Abyss First ReleasedOct 10, 2006 PS2 3DS Follow 7.9 GoodCheck out the review Metacritic 75 User Rating:8.5| Tales of the AbyssPS2 Bymcrafiused| Review Date:December 13, 2008 For my video review, go to, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_S4ql2Jtl4. ...
3DS《深渊传说3D Tales of the Abyss》日版3ds下载,《深渊传说》是由Bandai Namco Games制作发行的一款角色扮演游戏,《深渊传说》是作为“传说”系列诞生10周年纪念而在2005年发售的PS2平台游戏,也是以为内在系列中独一无二的厚重剧情以及对日后的系列作带来极大影响的划时代系统而在当时蔚为话题作品。