宿命传说2(Tales of Destiny 2),简称TOD2,于2002年11月28日发售在PS2平台。这个时候传说工作室一方...
宿命传说2(Tales of Destiny 2),简称TOD2,于2002年11月28日发售在PS2平台。这个时候传说工作室一方...
游戏平台:PSP 游戏原名: テイルズ オブ バーサス 英文名称: Tales of Versus(简称TOVS) 中文名: 对战传说/激斗传说 发售厂商: Bandai Namco Games 发售日期: 2009年8月6日 适应人群: 全年龄 游戏类型: Action动作格斗游戏 游戏人数: 1-4人(支持网络对战) TOVS是一款汇集了诸多NBGI知名系列传说系列角色...
Tales of Eternia'sgreatest contribution wasthe introduction of Skits, a staple feature in all subsequentTales ofgames. Occasionally, a prompt would appear on-screen, allowing players to trigger optional conversations among party members. These interactions considerably developed the cast and have evolved...
バンダイナムコゲームスより8月6日に発売予定のPSP用ソフト「テイルズ オブ バーサス」は,人気RPG「テイルズ オブ」シリーズの歴代キャラクター达が集结し,激しいバトルを缲り広げる対戦格闘アクションだ。4Gamerではこれまで,以下の记事でゲームの概要や登场キャラクターのプロフィールを...
《Tales of Vesperia》中文译为《薄暮传说》,是由BANDAI NAMCO Games于2008年8月发行的Xbox360角色扮演游戏。 《Tales of Vesperia》的基本信息介绍 《Tales of Vesperia》,中文译为《薄暮传说》,是由BANDAI NAMCO Games开发并发行的一款角色扮演游戏。该游戏最初于2008年8月在Xbox360...
here is troubling.Remasteredfeels like a cheap and lazy port, and that alone makes this version disappointing, despite the strengths of the game itself. Why should gamers reward these tactics when there are remasters of PSP games and more recently, other GameCube games, that are truly ...
14 Saved Games | PermalinkSee Saved GamesTales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X 4 Saved Games | PermalinkSee Saved GamesTales of Rebirth 2 Saved Games | PermalinkSee Saved GamesTales of the Heroes: Twin Brave 2 Saved Games | PermalinkSee Saved GamesTales...
This game is full of stuff. Aside from the main quest, there are countless mini-games, optional dungeons and bosses, side-quests and secret locations. There is also a nice cooking system. You gain recipes by finding the Wonder Chef, disguised as various objects around the world. If you've...