Tales of Phantasia Cress, the son of the heroes who vanquished Dhaos, joins Mint, a healer, in using a time manipulation arte to travel back in time to protect the World Tree and later battle Dhaos in the present. Watch trailer 1995 Tales of Destiny Long ago, after a comet impact le...
Welcome to the Tales Of Phantasia Shrine! You can find all the info you need about this game, one of the last released for the SNES. This game was later re-released for the PlayStation, butmanythings were changed. You won't find info on the PSX version here; sorry! ToP spawned two ...
Tales of Phantasia Cress, the son of the heroes who vanquished Dhaos, joins Mint, a healer, in using a time manipulation arte to travel back in time to protect the World Tree and later battle Dhaos in the present. Watch trailer 1995 Tales of Destiny Long ago, after a comet impact le...