Tales of Phantasia: Directed by Eiji Kikuchi, Lynn Harris. With Takeshi Kusao, Satomi Kôrogi, Mika Kanai, Kazuhiko Inoue. A sinister being who calls himself Dhaos wishes to suck the earth dry of its resources. He seeks the power of the Tree of Life to
Tales of Phantasia: Directed by Eiji Kikuchi, Lynn Harris. With Takeshi Kusao, Satomi Kôrogi, Mika Kanai, Kazuhiko Inoue. A sinister being who calls himself Dhaos wishes to suck the earth dry of its resources. He seeks the power of the Tree of Life to
More miscellaneous stuff: The Tales Of Phantasia MIDI Collection, nabbed off of the Gregerson/Lazara ToP page (which seems to have disappeared). And while I'm at it, why not get the entire soundtrack ripped right off the ROM? Enjoy the Tales Of Phantasia SPC Collection! There are two ...
Quite possibly one of the BEST RPG's for the SNES. 16 January 2004 Tales of Phantasia was made for the Super Nintendo. It was probably the first and maybe the only Snes game to have a full length j-pop song (The Dream Will Not Die, sung by Yokari Yoshida) as well as a voice...