One of the most iconic series in the history of Japanese RPG The Tales Of series is all about adventure in fantasy worlds, and overcoming obstacles through friendship and determination. During your journey, you will meet with a cast of endearing charac
One of the most iconic series in the history of Japanese RPG The Tales Of series is all about adventure in fantasy worlds, and overcoming obstacles through friendship and determination. During your journey, you will meet with a cast of endearing charac
幻想传说(Tales of Phantasia),简称TOP,于1995年12月15日发售在SFC平台。在幻想传说发售的前两年,...
Tales of Phantasiais the first mainline game and introduced countless features that would become staples in later titles. It's considered one ofthe best JRPGs on the SNES, even though it never left Japan. It later received versions for the PS1, PSP, and GBA, with the latter finally being ...
music. You get Alisha in Tales of Graces f Cheria’s outfit, Lailah in Tales of Phantasia ...
幻想传说(Tales of Phantasia),简称TOP,于1995年12月15日发售在SFC平台。在幻想传说发售的前两年,...
Platforms:Nintendo GameCube, PS2, PS3, Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One Tales of Symphoniawas popular in its native Japan, but it’s what really put the franchise on the map for the western audience. While the west had gottenPhantasiaandEternia, they weren’t exactly selling like...
発売日:2012年11月1日; メーカー希望 Timeline of release years; 1995: Tales of Phantasia: 1996: 1997: Tales of Destiny: 1998: 1999: 2000: Tales of Eternia: 2001: 2002: Tales of Destiny 2: 2003: Tales of Flashが表示できません。表示させるには、 JavascriptをONにして、最新のFlash...
Many early Tales installments — likeTales of Phantasia,Tales of Symphonia, andTales of Eternia— used your typical HP and MP/TP systems that were popular in RPGs of the time. Special attacks and spells, called Artes, would consume the TP gauge, and couldn’t be used if the gauge was ...