Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon (Japan+Partial English Patch) GBC ROM Download: Find Links Shared by Spike I spend my days following the ROM hacking scene, searching for cool hacks and translations of old games that were left in Japan. All translation and hacking credits go to their ...
ToP spawned two sequels for the PlayStation:Tales of Destinyand Tales of Eternia. You can download and play Tales of Phantasia for your PC. The game has now been translated into English. For the necessary files, check out theDownloadpage. DeJap's translation for the game has been done in...
You can download and play Tales of Phantasia for your PC. The game has now been translated into English. For the necessary files, check out theDownloadpage. DeJap's translation for the game has been done in a fairly rebellious mood: i.e., you'll find coarse language and adult material...