Tales from the Hood: Directed by Rusty Cundieff. With Clarence Williams III, Joe Torry, De'aundre Bonds, Samuel Monroe Jr.. A funeral director tells four strange tales of horror with an African American focus to three drug dealers he traps in his place o
Tales from the Hood 3: Directed by Rusty Cundieff, Darin Scott. With Tony Todd, London Brown, Cooper Huckabee, Patrick Abellard. Following the franchise's cult classic roots, this new anthology, featuring Tony Todd and Lynn Whitfield, scares and thrills
In 1995, Tales from the Hood mixed unflinching horror with surreal comedy to make a fun film with a message that's still relevant today. Produced by ...
上映时间1995年05月24日(美国) 导演Rusty Cund... 又 名幽冥时代 Tales from the Hood 编剧Rusty Cund...Darin Scot... 主 演克拉伦斯·威廉姆斯三世Joe TorryDe'aundre BondsSamuel Monroe Jr.温斯·豪瑟 剧情 剧情简介三名黑帮青年尝试在逝去朋友的棺木内寻回毒品,其后他们也因此而走进一个迷离的世界里。全...
Tales from the Hood was woke before woke was woke, addressing issues that are still central to the social justice conversation today, from police brutality to institutional racism to the socio-economic conditions of the inner city. As “hood cinema” fell out of favor by the turn of the cent...
Tales.from.the.Hood.2.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-RUSTED4.37GB2019-1-31 Tales.from.the.Hood.2....
是由拉斯提·坎蒂耶夫, 达林·斯科特执导, 由拉斯提·坎蒂耶夫, 达林·斯科特担任主编, 演员Alicia Davis Johnson, Creighton Thomas, 凯斯·大卫主演的《幽冥时代2 Tales from the Hood 2》是一部恐怖类型电影。 幽冥时代回来啦!奥斯卡金像奖电影制作人史帕克李、导演罗斯蒂库迪夫和惊悚片导演达林斯科特再次携手制作...
Shapiro, Craig
and America certainly has an over abundance of insecurity these days. The originalTALES FROM THE HOODwas wonderfully on the nose when it came to its themes (it really made me feel smart at 15 years old because I “got it”) and the sequel doles out more of the same. The opening segmen...