So I've spent a little bit of time on the new WoWHead WotLK calcs, and have come up with a spec for a Feral druid PvE build. Please comment/discuss and give your input if you're a feral druid or have a decent amount of knowledge of feral druids as a class. Thanks! I honestly ...
And no, mages self-healing shouldn't be looked at, we already experienced what it looks like, when blizzard homogenizes everything (WotLK) Originally Posted by SirCowdog I literally just said, in the post you quoted, that I would talent OUT of Deathgrip in or...
The early wotlk trees are way crazier imo. I completely forgot how many talents there used to be. -_- Varyk Reply With Quote 2011-09-05, 10:28 PM #91 Alvito Titan Join Date Mar 2010 Posts 14,693 Originally Posted by Venziir Nope, since BL was a TBC ability. As I had ...