Hunter Class Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name. Row 1 Kill Command:Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal Physical damage to the enemy. Given by default when selecting Beast Mastery or Survival Specialization. ...
The new talent system is pretty great, but it works best when leveling a new character, as you get to explore the new talents little by little. However, if youre a new player or when youre jumping in to a pre-Dragonflight pre-patch alt, and especially if
Pack Leader (Beast Mastery & Survival Hunter): Falls short in significantly enhancing the hunter's gameplay, feeling more like an addition of passives than a transformative upgrade. Dark Ranger (Beast Mastery & Marksmanship Hunter): Despite thematic potential, it doesn't offer ...
Home/World of Warcraft/Talent Trees Talent Trees (The War Within Season 1) Death Knight Blood Frost Unholy Demon Hunter Havoc Vengeance Druid Balance Feral Guardian Restoration Evoker Augmentation Devastation Preservation Hunter Beast Mastery Marksmanship Survival Mage Arcane Fire Frost Monk ...
File this one under I played a Warrior for years and years and never noticed, but redditor bloodknife92 pointed out that the Arms talent tree actually has Frostmourne in the background! Many might already be aware of this, but I sure wasnt, and having pl