The Dragonflight talent update is a great opportunity to let the Druid explore the flexibility inherent to the class. In many ways, the Affinity concept from Legion through Shadowlands was anticipating something that we’re hoping to re-emphasize here: the ability to choose elements of various sh...
Feral has most certainly had the biggest improvement from Shadowlands to Dragonflight, perhaps of every spec in the game. The Feral Druid went from a one trick single target spec with a few bits of utility to an AOE machine, tons of utility and even a raid buff. If you play a Feral ...
With Blizzard having announced the full (work in progress) talent trees for Death Knights and Druids, a couple of fans have put them into working talent calculators! These feature floating tooltips, requirements, and basically everything you might want!
60 Kul Tiran Druid17830 Jul 2022 I agree with Pheonickz suggestions for affliction. The only thing I’d say differently is that I want actual Malefic Grasp back, including the animation. That spell, and its animation, was dope AF. I’d also like enough of a buff to GrimSac that it ...