Talent Agency(经纪人公司)是为艺人提供职业规划、合同谈判、形象管理等服务的专业机构,其核心在于通过资源整合和专业化运营帮助艺
(名词) 明星或艺人经纪公司(talent agency)。thriller 惊悚片。 cybertranslator.idv.tw|基于3个网页 3. 人才中介 SANAL CONSULTING - SERVICE ... 旅游服务 Tourism Services人才中介Talent Agency语言培训 Language Training ... www.sanalservice.com|基于2个网页 ...
talent agency(将业余演出人才推荐到专业演出机构的)演出人才介绍所;演出人才中介 artistic talent艺术才能 literary talent文学才能 young talent青年才俊 naturary talent自然禀赋 by the agency ofadv.由于...的作用 inherent talent与生俱来的天赋 natural talentn.天赋 ...
talent agency (将业余演出人才推荐到专业演出机构的)演出人才介绍所;演出人才中介相关短语 petrol trap (在进入下水管前将油分离出来) 隔汽油具 demolding (出坯) 脱模 squeeze bottle (挤压时能排出所装之物) 塑料挤瓶 quench stock (馏出物) 骤冷原料 currency notes (指外国开出的汇票) 通货券 statistical ...
Uniting ideas,opportunities,and talent UTA is a leading global talent, sports, entertainment, and advisory company. We represent artists, athletes, storytellers, and brands whose voices and vision define culture and shape our world. As a full-service global agency, we connect clients to opportunitie...
talent agency 人才中介机构 At japan's talent agency horipro inc, yutaro suzuki is busy writing up his next project proposal.在日本的人才中介公司horipro,铃木太郎正忙于写他的项目计划书 talent
talent agency (将业余演出人才推荐到专业演出机构的)演出人才介绍所;演出人才中介相关短语 petrol trap (在进入下水管前将油分离出来) 隔汽油具 demolding (出坯) 脱模 squeeze bottle (挤压时能排出所装之物) 塑料挤瓶 quench stock (馏出物) 骤冷原料 currency notes (指外国开出的汇票) 通货券 statistical ...
United Talent Agency is a talent and literary agencies, representing figures in areas of entertainment, including motion pictures, television, books, music, digital media and live entertainment. Collectively, UTA agents represent a significant cross-section of artists and entertainers, including winners ...
Define Talent agency. Talent agency synonyms, Talent agency pronunciation, Talent agency translation, English dictionary definition of Talent agency. Noun 1. talent agent - an agent who represents performers agent - a representative who acts on behalf of
Partner | Talent | NY Partner | Creative | NY Director | Talent | LA Director | Theatrical Division Terecia Baker Associate Director | Talent | LA Alyssa Renard Associate Director | Creative | LA Nicole Mills Agent | Talent | LA Courtni Gidish ...