All Characters in The Tale of the Outcasts PicCVRomajiJapaneseFuriganaAliases CV: Yuu KobayashiAshtarothアスタロト CV: Yoshitsugu MatsuokaCitriシトリ CV: Ryotaro OkiayuCommander of the Knights of the Sword Cross剣十字騎士団団長Sol Adams (ソル・アダムス) ...
Nitro+Chiral will also be showing theDemo movieof the game duringComiket 79event (coming this 29-31 December 2010) as well as sell related game goods :) So we may be seeing this game much earlier than we think ^^ Clever of them to continue the ride on the Togainu no Chi anime public...
All Characters in The Tale of the Outcasts Pic CV Romaji Japanese Furigana Aliases CV: Yuu Kobayashi Ashtaroth アスタロト CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka Citri シトリ CV: Ryotaro Okiayu Commander of the Knights of the Sword Cross 剣十字騎士団団長 Sol Adams (ソル・アダムス) CV: Shunsuke...