Showing a limited preview of this publication: XITheTaleofGenjiasaModernNovelNOTHINGpreparesusforamasterpiece.Alltheothernovelssofardiscussedinthisstudywerecreated,consciouslyorunconsciously,undertheshadeofthisgreattree,TheTaleofGenji.LadyMurasaki'snovelmadepossible,veryearlyintheIongJapanesetradition,adegree...
According to Donavin's analysis, incest is not merely the worst example of sexual desire unrestrained by law and reason in CA; it provides the basis for the moral structure of the entire poem, in two aspects. As represented in Venus and ... G Donavin - English Literary Studies Universit...
Love between Genji and Utsusemi in The Tale of Genji -- Discrete Wavelets Multi-Resolution Analysis -- With the developments of modern digital computers, several new approaches have been applied to the literature as well as language analysis. Statistical met... M Inami,H Iwasaki,K Miyazawa,.....