The Takumi Sen didn’t change much over the years, except for the introduction of Boost foam on the V3 – a trend that continued till the V7. The Takumi Sen 10, on the other hand, has more in common with the Takumi Sen 8 and 9 than it does with any other version. The V8 was ...
The first time I saw pictures of the Takumi Sen 8, I was both excited and surprised at how different it was compared to the Sen 7. I’ve been fond of all the other Adidas training and racing shoes that use Lightstrike Pro so I was hoping that the Sen 8 would be the same. The fi...
适应了Boost之后,在间歇跑中Takumi sen有了更好的更好的发挥。但在笔者路跑的测试中,5KM-10KM都可以用4min/KM-4min10sec/KM比较轻松的奔跑,但是一旦过了15KM,发现自己的双腿在Takumi sen的推动下开始感到沉重,并且中足与后跟的中底EVA材质偏硬的问题也很明显的反馈给足部,和竞赛型马拉松鞋一样,Takumi sen的...
适应了Boost之后,在间歇跑中Takumi sen有了更好的更好的发挥。但在笔者路跑的测试中,5KM-10KM都可以用4min/KM-4min10sec/KM比较轻松的奔跑,但是一旦过了15KM,发现自己的双腿在Takumi sen的推动下开始感到沉重,并且中足与后跟的中底EVA材质偏硬的问题也很明显的反馈给足部,和竞赛型马拉松鞋一样,Takumi sen的...
Adidas Adizero Takumi Sen 9 Review: Uncut Gem ( 跑鞋参数: 美码9码193g 全掌LSP泡棉(前掌27mm后跟33mm落差为6mm),内嵌玻璃纤维柱,马牌橡胶外底(几乎和8代没有什么变化) 鞋面使用了更加轻质透气的网布,后跟的领口填充增加,非固定式鞋舌 ...
Adidas Adizero Takumi Sen 9 Review: Uncut Gem ( 跑鞋参数: 美码9码193g 全掌LSP泡棉(前掌27mm后跟33mm落差为6mm),内嵌玻璃纤维柱,马牌橡胶外底(几乎和8代没有什么变化) 鞋面使用了更加轻质透气的网布,后跟的领口填充增加,非固定式鞋舌 ...
Moisen 2020年1月7日 打分 周末永远要等位,解解馋那也是非常不错的选择 成为第一个点赞的人 臭屁屁屁媛 2020年2月1日 打分 杜塞好吃的太多了,韩餐日料还有中餐,选了一家排名比较靠前的拉面馆,日本店员小哥哥居然中文说得不错。 点了三份不同的拉面,汤汁都非常浓郁,而且面条煮的也是软硬度刚刚好。 小吃...
Yakiniku Rikimaru Sennichimae and Yakiniku Rikimaru Namba Minatomachi are two popular yakiniku restaurants known for their high-quality meats and cozy ambiance. For a taste of Osaka's famous okonomiyaki, head to Okonomiyaki Mizuno, where you can savor the city's signature savory pancake. If you'...
Adidas Adizero Takumi Sen 9 Review: Uncut Gem ( 跑鞋参数: 美码9码193g 全掌LSP泡棉(前掌27mm后跟33mm落差为6mm),内嵌玻璃纤维柱,马牌橡胶外底(几乎和8代没有什么变化) 鞋面使用了更加轻质透气的网布,后跟的领口填充增加,非固定式鞋舌 ...