I had used it years ago and it made a huge difference and gave me a much needed confidence boost at a time when I greatly needed one but I never went back to this particular product and stuck with it for too long. I would buy the small sizes but wouldn’t chalk it up to buy the...
Cardiovascular Benefits:Garlic’s numerous beneficial cardiovascular effects are due to not only its sulfur compounds, but also to its vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium and manganese. Garlic is a very good source of vitamin C, the body’s primary antioxidant defender in all aqueous (water-solubl...
This part of the journey has been an eye opener too. I’ve never been one to be depressed much, let alone a year and a half, so that was really hard. Most of my closer friends don’t bother with me any longer. I was always up front about having this, but when my disorder becam...