Taking the Escalator - Free Resources for Substance Use and Co-Occurring Treatment and Recovery. Addiction and Substance Use Resources - Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health.
The “down” escalator starts in my bedroom – where, on their first mission, thieves once stole my beloved but not particularly valuable currency collection – and passes through my living room on its way to the 3rd floor. The “up” escalator starts in my teeny kitchen – where the same...
walking uptheflightofstairsortakingtheescalator to the shopping centre, the elderly [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 殊不知不是的,老人家走完 一道樓梯或乘搭自動電梯上去後,要打開那道很大、很漂亮的玻璃門 時,原來是無論怎樣推都推不動的,這就叫無障礙通道了。
Lift and escalator energy consumption. In Proceedings of the CIBSE/ASHRAE Joint National Conference, Harrogate, UK, 29 September–1 October 1996; pp. 231–239. [Google Scholar] Victorovna Morozova, T.; Alayi, R.; Grimaldo Guerrero, J.W.; Sharifpur, M.; Ebazadeh, Y. Investigation and ...