Taking aim at Voting Rights Act [Correction 2/17/11]Spencer S Hsu
J. Anodic oxidation of aliphatic acids at carbon anodes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 86, 4686–4690 (1964). 46. Vijh, A. K. & Conway, B. E. Electrode kinetic aspects of the Kolbe reaction. Chem. Rev. 67, 623–664 (1967). 47. Corey, E. J., Bauld, N. L., La Londe, R. T., ...
The choice and amount of base are critical to ensure deprotonation of both HOBt2a(pKa = 4.6)66and1b(pKa = 3.0)67. Lithium bases gave the best results, in particular a 1.8-fold excess of Li2CO3(entries 6–11). Pt was optimal as the anode material (entries 12–14). A slight...
67. Tapera T, Willis N, Madzeke K, Napei T, Mawodzeke M, Chamoko S, Mutsinze A, Zvirawa T, Dupwa B, Mangombe A, et al. Effects of a peer-led intervention on HIV care continuum outcomes among contacts of chil- dren, adolescents, and young adults living with HIV in Zimbabwe...
Interventions were at least 3 weeks in duration and nut consumption was the only dietary intervention [59]. Nut consumption (average 67 g/day) significantly reduced total cholesterol, LDL-C, and total cholesterol to HDL-C ratio [59]. Both studies are in agreement with the large body of ...
Jenness, Valerie, David A. Smith and Judith Stepan-Norris. "Editors' Note: Taking a Look at Surveillance Studies, A Symposium on Surveillance Studies", Contemporary Sociology 36 (2), March 2007, p. vii.Jenness, V., D.A. Smith, and J. Stepan-Norris, Editors' Note: Taking a Look at...
I have been working hard these years and I made it," he said. "I also want everyone to know that I can not only be good at one thing,but I can be the best at anything I like.I've learned a lesson that hard work would never lie.Today I proved(证明)it."(...
[64]), characterised by skin lesions with a dermatomal distribution, neurological defects, ocular disease and skeletal abnormalities [64]. If the mother develops a varicella rash during the period from 4 days before to 2 days after delivery the infant is at risk of neonatal varicella [65]. ...
Response-contingent punishment significantly reduced methamphetamine taking in some rats (shock-sensitive, SS) but not in others (shock-resistant, SR). Rats also underwent extinction test at one day and 30 days after the last shock session. Rats were euthanized one day after the second extinction...
谷歌是否在智能手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑以及游戏控制器市场利用 其拥有的标准关键专利(SEPs)申请禁令阻止其他电子设备制造商的产品进入 市场,或者违反其之前与标准设置组织(SSOs)签订的协议,提高授权使用费 其他电子设备制造商成本增加。39这一调查持续了接近两年,2013 年 1 月,FTC 与 Google 达成和解,结束调 查...