And our restaurant here at the third floor, it's 24 hours.AB: Oh, great.MONA FAAL: Okay, so I'm going ahead and make your reservation with this rate. Could I have your ID and your credit card as well?AB: Sure. Here you go.MONA FAAL: Okay, thank you. I'm going to put your...
1.Greettheguests.2.Asktheguestabouttheinformationofthetablereservation.Thestepstoseatguests1.Greettheguest2.Asktheguestifhehasareservationwiththerestaurant.3.Leadtheguestswiththereservationtothebookedtable.Direction:Recitethefollowingusefulexpressions.Acceptingareservation 1)Howmanypeoplearethereinyourparty?/For...
酒店情景英语Chapter 10 Taking Restaurant Reservation and Seating Guests Chapter10 TakingRestaurantReservationandSeatingGuests TelephoneReservation 2018/9/20 Presentation page2 2018/9/20 Presentation page3 ChineseRestaurant 2018/9/20 Presentation page4 WesternRestaurant 2018/9/20 Presentation page5 2018/9/20...
Chapter 10 Taking Restaurant Reservation and Seating Guests Part I Dialogues Part II Vocabulary Study Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Practical Writing Part V Feature Reading Dialogue 1 Receiving a Table Reservation on the phone Dialogue 2 Declining a Table Reservation Call Dialogue 3 Seating...
Roll-a-way beds are on a first-come-first-serve basis and are only available for queen rooms, 2 full bed rooms or 2 queen bed rooms. They will not fit in other room styles. 100% payment will be required for your full stay upon making your reservation. ...
Hodl, James J
For the first time ever, Mount Rainier National Park in Washington state will implementa pilot timed-entry reservation systemfor vehicles entering through the Paradise Corridor and the Sunrise Corridor. Outside has aguide to the latest reservation requirements. ...