the act of a person or thing thattakes. the state of beingtaken.taken. something that istaken.taken. an action by the federal government, as a regulatory ruling, that imposes a restriction on the use of private property for which the owner must be compensated. ...
The meaning of TAKEOUT is prepared food packaged to be consumed away from its place of sale. How to use takeout in a sentence.
The meaning of TAKE ON is to begin to perform or deal with : undertake. How to use take on in a sentence.
[~ + on + object] to gain or acquire:The word "homeowner'' took on a whole new meaning when she became one. to accept as a challenge or opponent: [~ + on + object]weren't afraid to take on big business.[~ + object + on]"I'm not afraid to take the champ on!'' the boxer...
What is Taking? Government process of obtaining private land for public purposes using eminent domain. History and Meaning of Taking Taking refers to the process by which the government obtains private property for public use when the owner refuses to sell it. The government can only acquire priva...
This is reconstructed to be from Proto-Germanic*takan-(source also of Middle Low Germantacken, Middle Dutchtaken, Gothictekan"to touch"), from Germanic root*tak-"to take," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps originally meaning "to touch" [OED, 1989]. ...
ESA, the act prohibits anyone from taking the species; plants are protected under separate provisions of the act. To "take" a species means to "harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct" (§ 1532 (19))....
taking things [or taken] all round tout compte fait how about taking advantage of the good weather? si nous profitions du beau temps? the shopkeeper's taking 5% off the marked price le commerçant rabat 5% sur le prix affiché things are taking a turn for the worst les choses se g...
5. To attend or experience: took in a movie; took in the sites. To understand: couldn't take in the meaning of the word. 6. To deceive or swindle: was taken in by a confidence artist. 7. To convey (a prisoner) to a police station. take off 1. To remove, as clothing: take ...
notice means to pay attention to something one sees, hears, or senses: to notice a newspaper ad; to notice someone's absence; to notice one's lack of enthusiasm. perceive is a more formal word meaning to detect by means of the senses; with reference to the mind, it implies realization...