Progesterone only pill (POP) Depot injection (progesterone) Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs): hormonal coil, implant and copper coil. Barrier methods Explore the patient’spreviouscontraceptionhistory: It is useful to be aware of what the patient has previously tried, particularly if cons...
It is well agreed by ACOG and NICE guidelines to initiate HT intended for menopausal women at lowest possible dose of estrogen and for shortest duration, which might not be case for hormonal contraceptives. Additionally, 7.60% HT exposure was of progesterone only and without the estrogenic ...
More research is needed to determine if the increased selectivity to progesterone receptors is responsible for the reduced metabolic effects of these progestogens. A recent study revealed minimal effects on metabolism of women aged 35-45 using 1 of 2 COCs Femodene or Marvelon. Studies on ...
So, can vitex help you get pregnant? It’s hard to say with finality exactly how to take vitex to get pregnant. However, several studies and women’s health MDs suggest it can have a strong, positive impact on female hormonal balance, which can enhance the success of a healthy pregnancy...
I am 67. She died because at 47 she needed a hysterectomy but refused because she was afraid of menopause. While uterine cancer is not hereditary (so the doctors say now) I don’t want to make the same mistake as my mother and go off the AI because I don’t want to deal with ...
Objective To investigate the effect of progesterone on cognitive function, mood, sleep quality and libido when added to oestrogen in sequential combined hormonal replacement therapy regimens. Design Observational study over three hormonal replacement therapy cycles. Setting Menopause Centre of Ospedale Mater...
I had one question, I did the 4 vial cortisol test thru ZRT (we use them at work!) and found that my levels were backwards! Low in the morning and progressing to higher at bedtime. Can you explain why that is? I am post menopause and still have all my various organs 🙂 ...
If you have surgery to remove your ovaries, you will go through menopause. This can causesymptomslikehot flashes,vaginal dryness,depression, pain duringsex, and loweredlibido. There are things you can do to lessen these effects if the symptoms are severe. They include: ...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of progesterone on cognitive function, mood, sleep quality and libido when added to oestrogen in sequential combined hormonal replacement therapy regimens. DESIGN: Observational study over three hormonal replacement therapy cycles. SETTING: Menopause Centre of Ospedale ...