The cohort consisted of subjects with an established diagnosis of T2D and who have been on metformin for at least three months. The patients were subjected to a questionnaire, medical record review, and vitamin B12 level measurement. Thirty three percent of the subjects were found to have ...
metformin builds up in the body.12For this reason, people with kidney impairment should take a lower dose of metformin or a different medication altogether in some cases.23Older people are also more likely to have increased metformin levels in the body, which...
【24h】 机译:认真对待组织意味着认真对待社区 获取原文 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 摘要 Background Health research is increasingly being conducted on a global scale, particularly in the developing world to address leading causes of morbidity and mortality...
Metformin as an antidiabetic drug is prescribed widely. The drug is usually administered to control type II diabetes mellitus. One of the most important side effects of metformin is the possibility of lactate accumulation and occurrence of metforminassociated lactic acidosis (MALA), which develops ...
Comparison of Serum Levels of Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid in Healthy Individuals and Type II Diabetic Patients Taking MetforminMansour, KarajibaniHossein, ZabihiFarzaneh, MontazerifarAlireza, DashipourJournal of Diabetes Nursing (2345-5020)
During surgery, average need for inotrope in metformin group equaled 1.57 person and in non- metformin group equaled 1.05 person showing no significant difference in demography. In the both groups, not only before surgery, but also after surgery there was no cardiac arrhythmia. Also, the need ...