If relevant, ask if the patient is currently breastfeeding, as this is a contraindication to some types of contraceptives (e.g. combined oral contraceptive) Drug history Ask if the patient is currently taking anyprescribedmedicationsorover-the-counterremedies: ...
You give information about your medical history during your assessment and your doctor will talk to you about the most appropriate pill for you to start on. This depends on your medical history and lifestyle. For example, women who are breastfeeding and gave birth over 6 weeks ago can use ...
are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Rituxan may pass into your breast milk. Do not breastfeed during treatment and for 6 months after your last dose of Rituxan are taking any medications, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Especially tell...
Naltrexone was determined to be completely safe, to have no negative side effects, and to be useful even during pregnancy and breastfeeding – which is very rare for any drug. By the time the trials were completed, the drug was already off patent – though the government extended the patent...
A new breastfeeding mom should avoid NyQuil or Benedryl, but an insomniac with a cold can treat two can conditions at once with those medications.In general, sleep medications can suppress certain stages of sleep such as deep sleep or REM sleep. Long-term use of some sleep medications can ...
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or are thinking of becoming pregnant while taking SYNTHROID. Your dose of SYNTHROID may need to be increased during your pregnancy. Tell your doctor if you start experiencing any of the following symptoms: rapid or abnormal heartbeat, chest ...
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or are thinking of becoming pregnant while taking SYNTHROID. Your dose of SYNTHROID may need to be increased during your pregnancy. Tell your doctor if you start experiencing any of the following symptoms: rapid or abnormal heartbeat, chest ...