In the event that you should ever be ready to get back out there, living for yourself makes the process of choosing the “right” mate easier. Living for yourself looks like going back to school should you choose, applying for that job you’ve always wanted, or taking that trip without ...
Duties and obligations arising from one's religious beliefs are equally important. For example, in Hinduism it is the duty and responsibility of every individual to honor the scriptures, practice his or her profession, fulfill family obligations, contribute to social order and harmony and work for ...
The more we know the character of God, the more Kingdom leaders will be able to serve the flock of God under our care. Knowing God’s character and ways will enable us to recognize falsehood and point those we lead to the truth in His Word anchored in God’s nature. And knowing the...
Dōgen, thoroughly immersed in the spirit of Mahāyāna teaching, embraced the worldview that all beings are destined for Buddhahood—including plants and insects—the message proclaimed in the Lotus Sutra and other scriptures. As regards his position on the matter of gender, he was unequivocally ...
Lord, help us to pay attention to the ways you are revealing yourself to us. Through your Holy Spirit, help us to obey when you call. Assist us to name and confess what we have seen. Guide us to follow wherever Jesus leads us. Amen. ...