GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr ANDROID_EMU_gles_max_version_2 E/CameraCaptureSession( 3736): Session 0: Exception while stopping repeating: E/CameraCaptureSession( 3736): android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException: CAMERA_ERROR (3): The camera device has ...
ii libarray-intspan-perl 2.001-1ocek1 a Module for handling arrays using IntSpan techniquesii libatm1 2.4.1-17 shared library for ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)ii libattr1 2.4.16-1 Extended attribute shared libraryii libblkid1 1.37-2sarge1 block device id libraryii libbz2-1.0 1.0.2-...
In the following code, we'll try to get prime numbers up to 100. The function (getPrimes) takes a slice as its argument and gathers primes. Then, returning it to the caller:
【bitherlibjni.cpp】部分截取 1jstring Java_net_bither_util_NativeUtil_compressBitmap(JNIEnv*env,2jclass thiz, jobject bitmapcolor,intw,inth,intquality,3jbyteArray fileNameStr, jboolean optimize) {4BYTE *pixelscolor;5//1.将bitmap里面的所有像素信息读取出来,并转换成RGB数据,保存到二维byte数组...
这个是Android特有的方式, AsyncTask顾名思义, 就是异步任务的意思.privateclassDownloadFilesTask extends AsyncTask<URL, Integer, Long>{//Do the long-running work in here//执行在子线程protectedLong doInBackground(URL... urls) {intcount =urls.length;longtotalSize =0;for(inti =0; i < count; ...
For example, if the coreML model's name looks like ggml-base-encoder.mlmodelc, just put base into the model_name under WhisperCPP settings in the conf.yaml. Whisper (local) Original Whisper from OpenAI. Install it with pip install -U openai-whisper The slowest of all. Added as an ...
ii libarray-intspan-perl 2.001-1ocek1 a Module for handling arrays using IntSpan techniquesii libatm1 2.4.1-17 shared library for ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)ii libattr1 2.4.16-1 Extended attribute shared libraryii libblkid1 1.37-2sarge1 block device id libraryii libbz2-1.0 1.0...
ii libarray-intspan-perl 2.001-1ocek1 a Module for handling arrays using IntSpan techniquesii libatm1 2.4.1-17 shared library for ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)ii libattr1 2.4.16-1 Extended attribute shared libraryii libblkid1 1.37-2sarge1 block device id libraryii libbz2-1.0 1.0.2-...
However, bark TTS and the original OpenAI Whisper (Whisper, not WhisperCPP) are NOT included in the default build process because they are huge (~8GB, which makes the whole container about 25GB). In addition, they don't deliver the best performance either. To include bark and/or whisper ...
However, bark TTS and the original OpenAI Whisper (Whisper, not WhisperCPP) are NOT included in the default build process because they are huge (~8GB, which makes the whole container about 25GB). In addition, they don't deliver the best performance either. To include bark and/or whisper ...