nb add has intelligent argument parsing and behaves differently depending on the types of arguments it receives. When a filename with extension is specified, a new note with that filename is opened in the editor: nb add example.md When a string is specified, a new note is immediately crea...
Shouldn’t that be up to the caller (or up to the program, if it explicitly decides to reject such arguments)? Keep in mind that the caller might be another script instead of a user.bitdancer commented on Jul 23, 2010 bitdancer on Jul 23, 2010 Member Well, even if you call it ...
Even if it seems simple, write a simple script that does the task and document the arguments extremely well. Make sure the usage is described in your runbook and it’s copy-pasteable. Better, just build the copy-pasteable part into the app — it can be easier to just handle the specia...
There’s a lot to go through so I’ll take it a step at a time. First let’s set up all our build arguments and any environment variables we can. We might as well keep the build argument behavior from the Cloudbees image because it can be handy if we want to leverage it. After ...
Following arguments are passed to underlying external subcommand: {full path to notes} {global options...} {subcommand} {local options...} For example, let's say following script is put in your$PATHasnotes-hello. #!/bin/shecho"Hello!$*" ...
args can be sources from env & cli arguments config is from the user configuration file only Distinction between en two is important, do not allow overlap for now (might be added later) Maketestscript (& update the doc/readme) Migrate everything to deno ...
**Optional arguments** --experience_number EXPERIENCE_NUMBER, -e EXPERIENCE_NUMBER The number of the training experience. Default value: 0 --font-size FONT_SIZE, -s FONT_SIZE The font size of the training font, in px. Default value: 25 --tessdata-path TESSDATA_PATH, -p TESSDATA_PATH...
macOS - Linux The recommended way is to use the following installation script as it will handle the desktop icon too: wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laurent22/joplin/dev/Joplin_install_and_update.sh | bashMobile applicationsOperating...
(Note that the "--" instructs taskwarrior to take the following arguments as the description part without doing any parser magic.) Open the linked file by using the task's ID: $ taskopen 1 Or by a filter expression: $ taskopen Example Add default notes Inspired by Alan Bowens 'task...
It also lets you teleport to any point in the map. Note: float and wear is the same. sm_teleport Examples (type into game console): # Arguments are: sm_teleport (x, y, z) (viewangle x, y, z) sm_teleport -1548 -339 195 0 104 0 sm_changeskin Check weapons.txt for all ...