SupplementPregnancyIron deficiencyObjectives: To examine the prevalence and determinants of iron supplement use and the amount of iron consumed from iron-containing supplements.Chatterjee, RahulShand, AntoniaNassar, NatashaWalls, MariyamKhambalia, Amina Z....
Another theory that’s been proposed is that receiving one antioxidant as a supplement may result in the body absorbing less or using less, of another important antioxidant. Sometimes taking a supplement for one concern may raise another. An example is a study in which people with melanoma were...
Chatterjee R, Shand A, Nassar N, Walls M, Khambalia AZ. Iron supplement use in pregnanacy-Are the right women taking the right amount?, Clinical Nutrition; 2015, doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2015.05.014.Chatterjee R, Shand A, Nassar N, Walls M, Khambalia AZ. Iron supplement use in pregnancy ...