On December 1, 2015, a woman reported a stray miniature donkey walking down a rural road in Norman, Oklahoma, and the police responded. Officer Kyle Canaan told TV station KFOR that it took a little pushing, pulling and some animal feed, but he got the miniature donkey, nicknamed "Squishy...
will be critical. And then that way, we can get you geared up for what kind of lifestyle you think your cat's going to have. Are they going to be indoor only with you, because we might make some recommendations that would be different for a kitty that's living outside all the ...
Australia; body condition; diet; Felis catus; feral; predation; prey; stray; wildlife; urban1. Introduction In Australia, predation of native fauna by invasive carnivores, including the feral domestic cat (Felis catus), is recognised as a ‘Key Threatening Process’ under the Australian ...