Tom was taking a train to work when he noticed a woman with a big dog on the train. This made him nervous. Would that dog attack someone? It seems unsafe. He stepped closer to1dog. The dog seemed2(friend) enough. So he put his hand to play with the dog.3the woman stopped him...
Though rabbits, or nickname bunnies, may seem like a lovely choice, they can live up to ten years and require an amount of care similar to that of a dog or cat. They have their special diet needs, and often don't behave well around small children. Each year, quite a lot of Easter...
Dog Day Afternoon(1975) Dick O'Neill Correll The Jerk(1979) Lee Wallace The Mayor Batman(1989) Tom Pedi Caz Dolowicz The Naked City(1948) Beatrice Winde Mrs. Jenkins Lone Star(1996) Jerry Stiller Lt. Rico Patrone The Heartbreak Kid(2007) ...
to get into one's hands, possession, control, etc., by force or artifice:to take a bone from a snarling dog. to seize or capture:to take an enemy town; to take a prisoner. to catch or get (fish, game, etc.), esp. by killing:to take a dozen trout on a good afternoon. to ...
6.a ticket in a lottery or prize drawing. 7.chances,probability:The chances are that the train hasn't left yet. unfortunate event; mishap. v.i. happen or occur by chance:It chanced that our arrivals coincided. ...
t be hard on yourself or your dog for that. Either way, your priority should be to train your dog properly so you can truly form a bond with your pet and enjoy the experience. A well-trained dog also means that your pet is emotionally healthy and able to interact with other pets and...
g. To receive into a particular relation or association, as into one's care or keeping: They plan to take a new partner into the firm. We took the dog for a week. h. To assume for oneself: take all the credit. i. To agree to undertake or engage in (a task or duty, for examp...
Iusedtodespisejumpingon thetrainortakingthebus,butnotanymore.Ihaveeverythingset-up for my commuting adventures. 过去我也非常讨厌坐火车,倒公车,但现在不会了,我已经做好了充足的准备。 4. Tributes havebeenpaidtoadogwho shot tofamefortakingthebusto hislocalpub. ...
Dog Jaunt is a dog travel blog for people who want to take their small dog along with them, on trips of any length.
How to Trim a Dog's Nails Most dogs need to have their nails trimmed approximately once monthly. Dogs that are frequently walked on pavement or concrete may be able to go a bit longer between nail trims, because walking on a hard, rough surface can help file the nail. Dogs that are ...