Complex digital modulator, a method for generating a modulated complex carrier, and a device for taking out the analog signalPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To more simplify a mount configuration of a VSB digital re-modulator that can selectively extract a channel 3, a channel 4 or a base band....
anatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part, structure - a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure" tooth - hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense cementum...
Responses of group members inRhinopithecus roxellana. (A) The mother (red arrow) holds the dead juvenile (yellow arrow), and juvenile J3 (blue arrow) touches it. The OMU adult male (white arrow) remains nearby in a tree. (B) The mother holds the head of the corpse against her chest....
While DoejoCrypt was a new ransomware payload, the access gained by attackers via the on-premises Exchange Server vulnerabilities will likely become part of the complex cybercriminal economy where additional ransomware operators and affiliates take advantage of it. The first existing rans...
Life is complex, unpredictable, uncertain and full of surprises. Sometimes you feel like you're living in chaos. But in times of uncertainty and chaos, sometimes you have to do things that scare you. Taking a new step in times of uncertainty, unpredictab
Thegut microbiomeis a complex ecosystem of trillions of microbes that live together in harmony in our gastrointestinal tract. These microbes have far reaching effects on human health, enhancing digestion, immunity, skin health and energy3,4,5. A balance is required between beneficial microbes and ...
a [Cu4(PCP)3]+ (PCP = 2,6-(PPh2)2C6H3) complex. b Scheme of light emission from Cu-based OLEDs due to temperature-activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) under electroluminescence conditions. After electron-hole recombination, the singlet and triplet excited states are occupied in a 1...
" # create a new note with the title "Example Note Title" nb create --title "Example Note Title" Adding with nb browse Items can also be added within terminal and GUI web browsers using nb browse add / nb b a: ❯ nb browse add ❯nb · home : + [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]...
“I just tried to not concentrate on it because then I would be too involved with them and not my performance in the movie. And I wouldn’t be thinking about having to fill the potential I have for making this a good movie, because basically it was on my shoulders.” ...
Three-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (3DCOS) can transform complex spectral data into a more intuitive image form and is a technique to characterize spectral feature information by improving the apparent resolution to solve the problem of overlapping spectral bands. At present, combining ATR-FTIR ...