If you've ever felt like you didn't accomplish enough during your first 20 years, this probably will not help: Consider the fact that Lansbury was nominated for an Academy Award for performances in two different films in that same time frame. Also consider the fact that she was still makin...
Mail service was for the first time turned over to private contractors after congressional pressure on the post office with the Air Mail Act of 1925, also known as the Kelly Act. This was the first chess piece to be moved in an effort to accelerate aviation technology and aircraft performance...
About Nature Portfolio About us Press releases Press office Contact us Discover content Journals A-Z Articles by subject protocols.io Nature Index Publishing policies Nature portfolio policies Open access Author & Researcher services Reprints & permissions Research data Language editing Scientific editin...
By no means did these early opportunities represent the pinnacle of her acting career, however, as she would go on to secure lead roles in huge box office hits like "Working Girl" and "Lolita." 1958: Jamie Lee Curtis Aaron Rapoport/Corbis via Getty Images 1958: Jamie Lee Curtis - ...
The inauguration marked the first time a woman administered the oath of office, and the only time a president has taken the oath on an airplane. The 36th president can be seen in this image by White House photographer Cecil Stoughton alongside Jacqueline Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, and others...
1)A 前面有"a",是形容walk的,所以walk不加s,排除CD 20后面应该加复数,复数和's连用就变成s',所以选A 2) A 你把what代到done后面,就是“你为我们做的”3) C 后面是具体日期,所以用on 12) A 后面有for,前面应该是完成时且为延续性动词,go,leave均不是 15) C 没人喜欢被...
50 by 120 feet, four stories high and faces the lake, being only about 50 feet from the rim. On the first floor is the dining-room 30 by 40 feet, office and lobby 40 to [sic] 50 feet, reception room 30 by 40 feet, and a ...
Bancroft Construction’s Greg Sawka sat quietly in the back of the room listening to the March 2 briefing about the $250-million Longwood Gardens makeover in Kennett Square, Pa. At the conclusion of the briefing, held in the New York City office of project architect WEISS/MANFREDI Architecture...
The Israelite Club is located in the heart of Copacabana, Rio’s most Jewish-populated neighborhood with some 3,500 Jewish families and several Jewish institutions including the Rio Jewish Federation, the Jewish Agency, the honorary consul’s office, a Jewish school and many synagogues. ...