Works on Mac via Parallels! Takeoff Live(Extended Edition) Takeoff Live 7 (Coming Soon) VIEW SCREENSHOTS Our Software exports to Microsoft Excel! Ideal forarchitects,contractorsandsub-contractors, Takeoff Live is the paperless way to make your job fast, simple and hassle free. Figuring how much ...
Yes, Houzz Pro’s landscape takeoff software is compatible with both Mac and Windows computers. When you subscribe to Houzz Pro’s takeoff feature, you also gain access to other features built to make your business stand out from the crowd and win more jobs: ...
Our painting takeoff software for Mac and Windows works with tons of the tools you already use, cutting the double work. Autosave financial details in QuickBooks Online, manage leads directly from Gmail, sync your calendars (iCloud, Gmail, Exchange, Office 365, Outlook), and so much more. ...
I love the fact that it’s cloud-based and I can access it anywhere. I have a Mac and it’s incredibly hard to find takeoff software which is compatable. - James The Future of Estimating Starts Here Get full access to CostMiner, completely free for 30 days—no credit card required. W...
Willow Valley Paving Our takeoff software is fit for any construction business Here’s How to Choose the Right Takeoff Solution When it comes to completing a great construction takeoff and estimate, the first thing you need to look at is the platform you are using. In today’s industry, ther...
eTakeoff Basic (the free takeoff version) includes many of the software’s key features, including basic takeoff functions and measurements like linear measurements, counts, areas, cutouts, and arcs. You also have the ability to view and print plans with the free product. Really, this tool is...
Yes, Houzz Pro’s drywall takeoff software is compatible with both Mac and Windows computers. When you subscribe to Houzz Pro’s drywall takeoff software,, you also gain access to other features built to make your business stand out from the crowd and win more jobs: ...