网络竹中工务店;竹中工程公司;日本株式会社竹中工务店 网络释义 1. 竹中工务店 负责这个项目的建筑商为日本的竹中工务店(Takenaka Corporation),由名建筑师伊东丰雄操刀设计。嘉德置地预计这个项目 …|基于27个网页 2. 竹中工程公司 ...被指定为该项目的不动产咨询顾问。竹中工程公司(...
Takenaka Corporation 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 instabilité,instable,installateur,installation,installations,installé,installer,instaminé,instamment,instance, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”, 用户正在搜索 instaurteur,instigateur,instigation,instiguer,instillation,instiller,instinct,instinctif...
Takenaka CorporationWorking together to enable co-creationCustomerSince its establishment in 1898, Takenaka Corporation has been involved in numerous architectural landmarks and has played a major role in social development. Employing more than 2,000 first class architects, most of its projects encompass...
Takenaka Corporation, one of the largest general contractors in Japan, is strongly relying on the solutions from the Nemetschek Group in building its BIM strategies to provide first class architectural, engineering, and construction services. Leveraging an open Building Lifecycle Intellig...
京都四条通Richmond酒店,日本 / Takenaka Corporation无界京都,现代缩影 gooood谷徳设计网超话#gooood建筑# 酒店正对着日本三大祭典之一祗园祭的举办地四条通。正所谓大隐隐于市,它避开了喧闹的商业区安静地坐落在京都宜人的自然环境中。 客房不仅通过玻璃幕墙与四条通相连,而且空间随着屏风般的玻璃面延伸至城市,让客人...
Takenaka Corporation aims for sustainable construction and community development, with “being involved in community development and creating new value as a group, globally” as its 2025 growth strategy. One of the efforts to implement this strategy is digital transformation. The company’s digital str...
2020.05.28 | Takenaka Corporation, 丰田, 日本, 汽车展厅 0 24 2212 “移动新时代的新几何形态” 这座建筑位于大阪北部的国道沿线。这是一个主要用于汽车销售和保养的展厅。 在这里,我们创造了一个融入了移动新时代汽车的动感、尺度和速度等元素。此外,通过使用交通图案和道路材料,我们实现了一座与城市延续的新...
When Takenaka Corporation embraced the DESIGN&BUILD system, it looked for a reliable Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) platform. That is why they partnered with ESTECO to simplify the whole simulation design process, manage a huge amount of data across teams, and shorten product ...
About this office Takenaka Corporation Office •••#Tags ProjectsBuilt ProjectsSelected ProjectsEducational ArchitectureKindergartenKakogawaJapan Published on May 06, 2019Cite: "Kakogawa Kindergarten / Takenaka Corporation" 06 May 2019. ArchDaily. Accessed 20 Feb 2025. <