师从诺贝尔生理学和医学奖得主Tasuku Honjo教授,主修分子生物学。1998年至2020年,担任京都大学辐射遗传学系主任。 团队的主要研究领域是DNA重组和修复。目前已有100多种基因敲除细胞系,结果已经发表在许多高知名度的同行评议期刊上,其中一些已经被...
S. LaussucqRita EngelhardtS. Schmitt-GroheM. berallT. EckhardtSpringer NaturePediatric ResearchStehr K, Cherry JD, Heiniger U et al. A comparative efficacy trial in Erlangen, Germany in infants who received either the Lederle\Takeda acellular pertussis component DTP (DTaP) vaccine, the Lederle...
“Because of the complex nature of ALK+ NSCLC and the way in which the disease often spreads to the brain, it is essential for physicians to have treatment options that demonstrate both overall and intracranial effectiveness,” said Professor Sanjay Popat, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Royal Marsd...
Nature, 439 (2006), pp. 484-489 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 22 Donepudi A.C., Boehme S., Li F., Chiang J.Y. G-protein-coupled bile acid receptor plays a key role in bile acid metabolism and fasting-induced hepatic steatosis in mice Hepatology, 65 (2017), pp. 813-827 Cr...
SHUNICHI TAKEDA,2021年至今任深圳大学医学部特聘教授,深圳大学国际化专家组委员会委员。获得外国资深学者,长江讲席教授,珠江杰出人才,深圳市鹏城计划A类人才等荣誉。师从诺贝尔生理学和医学奖得主Tasuku Honjo教授,主修分子生物学。1998年至2020年,...
已经在Nature、Cell、Immunity、EMBO J、Molecular Cell、PNAS、Cell Rep等高知名度的同行评议期刊上发表331余篇SCI论文,论文被引用29991余次,单篇引用超过1711次,H index: 91。 招聘要求及薪资待遇 招聘岗位:专职研究人员和博士后 招聘要...
The degree of alginate derivatization can be controlled by the selection of alginate starting material, the nature of the coupling reaction employed, reaction conditions such as, for example, molar ratios of reactants, relative concentrations, and reaction times. Shorter reaction times will result in...
doi:10.1016/0197-4580(94)93050-3Neurobiology of Aging
“Isomers” mean compounds having identical molecular formulae but differing in the nature or sequence of bonding of their atoms or in the arrangement of their atoms in space. Isomers that differ in the arrangement of their atoms in space are termed “stereoisomers.” Stereoisomers that are not...
either within the lamina propria of nasal turbinates or free within the nasal passages, and/or mild hemorrhage in the nasal passages of rabbits in both groups. The observed lesions would be expected in an immunologic reaction. Lesions in both groups were limited in nature and resolved completely...