TikTake/osint_stuff_tool_collection main 2 Branches0 Tags Code This branch is 82 commits behind cipher387/osint_stuff_tool_collection:main. Folders and files Latest commit cipher387 Update README.mdAug 14, 2022 7f0c5e1· Aug 14, 2022 History369 Commits weekly_updates Update 2_Febrary_2022...
If you're a fan of the old Pokémon Snap games, you might have some interest in Penko Park, a creature photography game that came out today on Steam.
W found himself on the receiving end of a missile that blew up a solid chunk of his left side and melted a bunch of innards. Thanks to a bunch of Dr. Frankenstein-type stuff from S, one of W’s crewmates, W was brought back and...
teen stuff (multiple choice) by Daniella and Rachel Average final score 66% with 173 participants. (10) Cinderella Man Movie Match (Matching) by Lloyd A. Average final score 49% with 42 participants. (10) Evita Movie Match (Matching) by Lloyd A. Average final score 51% with 33 ...
We've all skipped the beginning of a porn video to get to the good stuff -- awkward acting and thin storylines are just about the least sexy thing there is. And if you don't live alone, it's very important to be able to turn down the volume when others are near or pause your po...
Question: While we’re on the subject of environmentally inspired Halloween costumes, how do you interpret this one? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers. Relevance: Note: Young people care deeply about this stuff. Tagged with:Environmentally Inspired,Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Envi...
If you've ever seen every Oklahoma elementary school's favorite movie "The Right Stuff," Shawnee nativeGordon Coopermight be familiar. He was one of the daring test pilots who earned a spot in the early American space program. He was the last astronaut to fly during the Mercury missions -...
This all circles aroundto the title of the blog: Take your dog on a sniff. I’ve written before that dogs need autonomy to be truly happy. I’m arguing here that what they most need is the freedom to use their noses. That is easy for us who can walk our dogs off leash. But lea...
Build a web server with the ESP32-CAM board to take a photo and visualize the latest captured photo in your browser saved in SPIFFS. You can also rotate the image if necessary.
Also, some of the meta stuff felt really ham fisted and the after credits scene was lame as fuck. 89 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷 Dec 28, 2021 • 2:25:28pm down 6 up report re: #71 No Malarkey! My unvaccinated dead coworker’s husband just posted another anti vaccine meme on Facebook....