Take Your Dog To Work Day is celebrated each year the Friday following Father's Day. The event was created by Pet Sitters International in 1999 to celebrate dogs and promote pet adoptions. Businesses are encouraged to allow employees' dogs for this one s
Every year on the Friday after Father's Day, employees across the country bring their dogs for National Take Your Dog to Work Day. A celebration of the companionship between canine and human, National Take Your Dog to Work Day hopes to inspire others to
Purina has long supported Dogs at Work, and Take Your Dog to Work Day is June 23, here's supporting information regarding the benefits
Take Your Dog to Work Day Growing in Popularity, Acceptance
2028 星期五 6月23日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2029 星期五 6月22日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2030 星期五 6月21日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2031 星期五 6月20日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2032 星期五 6月25日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2033 星...
Studies have shown that bringing pets to work can increase productivity. So, on a Friday in June, take your dog to work to celebrate Take Your Dog to Work Day. Celebrated annually since 1999 on the first Friday after Father’s Day in th...
Bring your dog to work day! Use this kit to strike up a paw-some conversation with your coworkers in the office space. National "Bring Your Dog to Work Day" is June 23rd! Have this kit ready! Includes: 1 name tag bandana, 1 elastic string, 3 paper glasse
Today is take your dog to work day. For me, it’s just a normal day, because every day in my life is “take your dog to work day”. So today I thought it would be fun to share with you what a typical day at work in my family’scustom frame shoplooks like for me. ...
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Because Moss Glen Falls is right off Vermont Route 100, it will only take a few minutes to check it out. Bring your camera!There’s no swimming at Moss Glen Falls, so if you pass through on a hot summer day, please continue north to Warren Falls for a little dip. Warren Falls can...