Oh hey guys, Colby here just some work done here at the office. Welcome to episode 2 – Take Your Dog To Work. As many of you already knowTake Your Dog To Work Daywas a few months ago, but if you’ve been following us onFacebookthen you’ll know that we brought Reggie, another ...
英语百科 | Take Your Dog to Work Day Studies have shown that bringing pets to work can increase productivity. So, on a Friday in June, take your dog to work to celebrate Take Your Dog to Work Day. Celebrated annually since 1999 on the...
Take Your Dog to Work Day Growing in Popularity, Acceptance
Take Your Dog To Work Day is celebrated each year the Friday following Father's Day. The event was created by Pet Sitters International in 1999 to celebrate dogs and promote pet adoptions. Businesses are encouraged to allow employees' dogs for this one s
2025 星期五 6月20日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2026 星期五 6月26日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2027 星期五 6月25日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2028 星期五 6月23日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2029 星期五 6月22日 (五) Take Your Dog to Work Day 2030 星...
Every year on the Friday after Father's Day, employees across the country bring their dogs for National Take Your Dog to Work Day. A celebration of the companionship between canine and human, National Take Your Dog to Work Day hopes to inspire others to
"Take Your Child to Work Day" today. A lot of parents will take their 2___to work today. My father is a firefighter (消防队员) at a fire station. I am very happy. I will go there to 3___how my father works.My father and I get up 4___this morning. We go to the fire...
Friday June 26thhas been designated “Take Your Dog to Work Day” by Pet Sitters International. Begun in 1999 with a goal of encouraging adoptions, Pet Sitters Int’l suggests that we all take our dogs to work to emphasize the human/animal bond, and indirectly encourage people to adopt ...
Purina has long supported Dogs at Work, and Take Your Dog to Work Day is June 23, here's supporting information regarding the benefits
*Take Your Child to Work Day*today A lot of parents will take their 2___to work today. My father is a firefighter (消防队员) at a fire station. I am very happy. I will go there to 3___how my father works.My father and I get up 4___this morning. We go to the fire sta...