g. To choose and then adopt (a particular route or direction) while on foot or while operating a vehicle: Take a right at the next corner. I downshifted to take the corner. 7. a. To undertake, make, or perform: take a walk; take a decision. b. To perceive or become aware of...
t hombre y bestia t home sweet hell t homÁly homÁr t hook me up t hopaŞinanay aŞklar t hot trick t house of cards t how mr coffee tea f t ht rocks for ever t hulusi t human eraser t i am glad you are g t i cant be perfect t i dont love glee t i feel guil...
f. To put up with; endure or tolerate: I've had about all I can take from them. g. To receive into a particular relation or association, as into one's care or keeping: They plan to take a new partner into the firm. We took the dog for a week. h. To assume for oneself: ta...
He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother's flowers.As they were leaving, he offered to drive the girl home.She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother, ” She brought him to a cemetery(墓地), where she placed the rose on the grave. The man was ...
take up动— 接受动 · 占用动 · 拿起动 · 占据动 · 负起动 · 开始从事动 · 把...接着进行下去动 take动— 取动 · 作出动 · 接受动 · 考虑动 · 拿动 · 携带动 · 带领动 · 测量动 · 摘动 · 使...达到动 · 容纳动
2. 开始;染上;委身于:take sth over 接手:接管 | take to sth 开始;染上;委身于 | take to someone 开始爱上某人 3. 养成...的习惯,逐渐习惯做:take over接管 | take to sth养成...的习惯,逐渐习惯做... | take up(开始)从事,拿起临近词 take...
A American Gods by Neil Gaiman B The Black Swan by Mercedes Lackey The Book of Lost Things by John Connelly The Bridei Chronicles by Juliet Marillier C The Child Thief by Brom A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin D A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. M
On deliverance, the passport requests in return that each new citizentake responsibility fortheiractions:todedicate themselves to combat all acts [...] shanghaibiennale.org shanghaibiennale.org 作为颁发护照的条件,每一位新公民都被要求为自己的行动负责:要致力于反对一切野蛮行径、与胁迫和贫困作斗争、支...
Another helpful approach would be to create a frameworkforthepublic and private sectors toworkhand in handoncomprehensive developmentstotakeintoaccount social and planning aspirations. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 另㆒個有用的辦法是公、私機構聯手合作,在考慮社會及規劃意向後,制定 綜合土㆞發展計劃。
Songs like “Control,”“King Kunta” and “Deep Water” have always hinted at how Kendrick Lamar could turn up the temperature, not just subliminally emit lyrical smoke. Here, “Father Time” might make your ears perk up. Holding the middle spot on the first half of the album, Kendrick ...