havetaken this propaganda at face value, without questioning it.•But now, a hundred years on,certainfactionspersistintaking it at face value.•And he no longertook things at face value.•Because Kate, for all herfaultsrealandimagined, was the only person ever totake him at face value....
to take things at face value 根据事物的表面判断其价值in the local five-and-ten 在当地的廉价商店 go Dutch 平均分配费用 live on a shoestring 生活艰难 once in a while 偶尔 This one’s on me.记我的帐 What’s the big rush?---Why are u in such a hurry?急什么?You’re kidding (me)!
You should never take things at face value.我们对一件事的看法往往夹杂个人情绪和自己过去认知,甚至自己的偏见,不够全面。其实是对是错没有绝对!从前听到也对也不对的评论就会觉得很烦躁,觉得对就是对错就是错,请给出肯定答案,而现在却觉得这句话的确有点意思。因为站在不同的角度看,那么视角是不同的,...
Harman KE, Lockwood DNJ, Black MM. Never take things at face value. Lancet 1998; 352: 1190.Harman KE, Lockwood DNJ, Black MM. Never take things at face value. Lancet 1998;352:1190.Harman K, Lockwood DNJ, Black MM. Never take things at face value. Lancet 1998; 352:1190....
2. moving things If you take something from one place to another, you carry it there. Don't forget to take your umbrella. He has to take the boxes to the office every morning. See carry - take Be Careful!Don't confuse take with bring or fetch. See bring - take - fetch 3. exams...
She doesn't take such things lightly. [=she acts as though such things are very important] 29 [+ object] : to think about (something or someone) as an example They just want attention. For instance, take the way they wear their hair. Take last year's record high temperatures, for...
or hair, or you can use hats or scarves to cover the head. Usually, it’s a good idea to leave some recognizable features exposed, but if you want to make thingsreallyinteresting, you might cover your subject completely (e.g., you could wrap the subject’s entire face in their hair!
I observe well, I am unafraid to express myself, I read, and I may have things to say. We’ll see. P.S. About my accident, my face is healing with very little scarring. I’m fortunate there. Now I’m afraid to go for a walk. It’s annoying. ...
In one of the courses listed above, Introduction to Philosophy from Edinburgh University, you will learn that philosophy is “working out the best way to think about things.” Therefore, your premise that philosophy is about finding truth is false. It’s not about finding truth, it’s about...
There’re many things that could draw your attention and you really need to be able to watch all of them. Why would bilingualism make you any better at that? The answer is that bilingual people are often better at controlling their attention — a function (功能) called the executive (执行...