昨晚的 世界杯决赛,法国队 7 号王牌前锋 安东尼格里兹曼 亲自操刀主罚 12 码进球,让法国队上半场以 2 : 1 领先克罗地亚,格里兹曼将球射进后,作出了堡垒之夜《Fortnite》的「Take the L」跳舞姿势庆祝,很明显,他们跟英格兰的选手一样都玩过堡垒之夜《Fortnite》。「Take the L」中的 L 为 Loss 的第一...
This was added in the v29.30 update, and according to theFortnite blog post, there’s a new setting available called See Confrontational Emotes. You can find this setting in the Social Privacy section. When enabled this setting will block the following emotes from being shown: Laugh It Up ...
The Game Music Committee - Take the L
Home Forums > Main Marketplaces > Fortnite Accounts - Buy Sell Trade > Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell > Sold OG 151 SKINS + Super Deluxe STW | Since Season 2 - Take The L - Hime - Red Knight | PC/XboxBuyer Protection Seller Protection Tags: blue squire dark voyager ...
【MMD/原神】克洛琳德 & 北斗 (๑′ᴗ‵๑)I Lᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ ️【soak city (do it) [Fortnite Emote Version]】 00:27 【MMD/原神】雷电将军 (๑′ᴗ‵๑)I Lᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ ️【If We Ever Broke Up】 00:23 【MMD/原神】菲谢尔 & 香菱 (๑′ᴗ‵๑...
Fortnite Dance Theme (from "Fortnite Battle Royale")The Greatest Bits Electro Swing Dance Emote (from Fortnite Battle Royale)The Greatest Bits Smooth Moves Dance Emote (from Fortnite Battle Royale)The Greatest Bits Hyrule FieldThe Greatest Bits Kokiri ForestThe Greatest Bits Ocarina of Tim...
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Guava Juice @guavajuice Welcome to Guava Juice. I make videos and post it online. Here you can find a huge array of crazy GIFs that showcase my best work! Enjoy! Read More ▾ 11,432,456 Views Source Report Embed Info #dance#fortnite#victory#loser#taunt#royale ......
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