254. take the heat (man enough to take the heat) (ph.) 接受责骂(有足够的男子汉勇气来接受责骂)他说: “如果你弄糟了事情, 与其归咎于他人, 要有足够的男子汉勇气来接受责骂.”He said: “If you mess up, be man enough to take the heat instead of laying the blame on others.” 255. take...
Although freshwater mussels (Unionidae) are endangered and drought and dewatering events pose a major threat, especially in the southern United States, little is known about their responses to such events and how physiology, behaviour and life history strategies may be linked. Our goal was to ...
所以,take some of the heat off me中的heat指的就是adverse comments or hostile criticism,严厉的或者敌意的指责和批评。Take the heat off someone就是停止批评或指责某人。一般说来,公众人物比较害怕媒体的攻击,如:Heat from the press forced the mayor to resign.来自媒体的指责迫使市长提出辞...
1、We had to take out a second bond on the property.我们得申请第二按揭以购买这个房产。2、Don't take so many.别拿这么多。3、She took it very well, all things considered.总的说来,她承受得还挺不错。4、The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident.事故过去后很...
The article comments on former South African Deputy President Jacob Zuma's defamation lawsuit. It asserts that several elements of Zuma's lawsuits are trivial and difficult to justify particularly the cartoons, the columnist and satirical song. Zuma's lawsuit has fueled debates among journalists conce...
g. To choose and then adopt (a particular route or direction) while on foot or while operating a vehicle: Take a right at the next corner. I downshifted to take the corner. 7. a. To undertake, make, or perform: take a walk; take a decision. b. To perceive or become aware of...
The nests are small round huts just large enough to fit two penguin parents and their chicks. White paint on the outside of the nests reflects(反射) sunlight, keeping the inside at a safe temperature(温度) of 35°C or lower. \⑤The first artificial nests were placed on the beaches in...
take the floor take the heat take the road Take the second turn on your left Take the second turning on your left take the stage take the stand take the veil take time by the forelock take time off take to take to be take to heart ...
The museum got taken on that painting. to win or obtain money from: He took me for $10 in the poker game. (of a man) to have sexual intercourse with. Grammar.to be used with (a certain form, accent, case, mood, etc.):
3. Boeing took a lot of heat on Capitol Hill in a pair of Senate hearings Wednesday.The aircraft manufacturer is under scrutiny after whistleblowers made allegations of major safety failures with the company’s planes. The Senate Homeland Security Investigations Subcommittee said the allegations again...