1. take stock of 1. You have totakestockofyour position. 你必须估计一下你的处境。 take stock of网络解释 1. 估量,观察:takestockin购买(公司相信 |takestockof估量,观察 | substitute for sth.替代物 2. take stock of的翻译 2. 估计:takestockin 注意 |takestockof估计 |takestock清查存货 ...
正是因为 take stock (of sth) 有盘货或清点的意思,它还可以用来表示估量分析或考虑回想生活等,相当于 analyze 和 evaluate 等,例如:After two years spent teaching overseas, she returned home for a month to take stock of her life.在海外教书两年后,她回国一个月,回顾自己的生活。Moving forward,...
take stock (of sth) 中的stock是由存货、库存之义引申而来的:a supply of something that is ...
Well, if you look up the dictionary, the first meaning of stock is the supply of things you keep and can use when you need them.如果查字典的话呢,stock的意思就是(商店的)现货,存货,库存 But here, to take stock of sth is you to think carefully about it, before taking action accordingly...
1. 估量,观察:take stock in购买(公司相信 | take stock of估量,观察 | substitute for sth.替代物 2. take stock of的翻译 2. 估计:take stock in 注意 | take stock of 估计| take stock 清查存货 3. 估计, 观察:10. elaborate adj. 精心制作的 | 11. take stock of估计, 观察 | 12. fondly ...
take stock (of sth) 中的stock是由存货、库存之义引申而来的:a supply of something that is ...
Well, if you look up the dictionary, the first meaning of stock is the supply of things you keep and can use when you need them.如果查字典的话呢,stock的意思就是(商店的)现货,存货,库存 But here, to take stock of sth is you to think carefully about it, before taking action accordingly...
英汉-汉英词典 ,查, 鉴定, 计 用户正在搜索 nostro, nostrum, nosy, Nosy Parker, nosydrast, nosykombite, not, not at all, not bad, not necessarily, 相似单词 take sth over, take sth to heart, take sth up, take sth upon oneself, take stock, take stock of, take the air, take the ...
语法:stock用作形容词的意思是“储备的”,转化为动词意思是“供应,贮存”。stock可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。stock后接副词up表示“采办货物或用品”,后接介词with表示“配备”。例句:Take stock of what's important to you, what's right and ...
take stock of 基本解释 估计, 察看, 考虑, 注重...take stock of 例句 ph.1. You have to take stock of your position.你必须估计一下你的处境。take stock of 网络解释 1. 估量,观察 take stock in购买(公司相信 | take stock of估量,观察 | substitute for sth.替代物 2. 估计 take ...