“take sth as sth”的意思是“把某物当做某事”,这是一个在日常交流、书面表达以及各类文献中广泛应用的短语,用于表达一种认知或判断的过程。下面我将详细解释这个短语的含义和应用。 一、短语解析 “take sth as sth”由动词“take”、宾语“sth”(某物)以及介词短语“as sth...
“take sth as”的含义是“把某物当作某物”,这是一个在英语中常用的短语结构,主要用于表达主语对某一事物的看法、态度或假设。下面我
take是个动词,它的过去式是took,过去分词是taken,其用法和固定搭配如下:1,take sb. /sth. (with one )携带、运载或伴随某人/某物:Don’t forget to take your umbrella (with you) when you go. 你走时别忘了带伞。2,take sth. as sth. (以某种方式)理解或解释某事 She took what he said...
sth n. 1.somatotropic(growth) hormone生长激素 2.something的缩写 take v.[T] 1. 拿,取;握,抱 2. 拿走,取走;夺取,占领;抓,捕;吸引 3. 带去;带领 4. 就(座),就(职) 5. 取得,获得 6. 接受;采取;修(学科),上(课) 7 STH 【医】 生长激素 take in n. 诈骗,骗子 take...as... ...
We take the view that the law in Hong Kong should be shiftedtotake asneutral a position as possible as between large and small parties and we feel the only way to achieve this is to devise a statutory scheme which permits small creditors to identify clearly what their entitlement to interest...
“take sth as an example”是一个常用的英语短语,其基本含义是“以某物为例”。这个短语在句子中通常作为插入语或独立成分出现,用以引出后续的具体例子,帮助说明或论证前文的观点或论述。下面将详细解释这个短语的含义、使用场景以及与之相关的其他表达。 一、“take sth as...
“take sb as sth”的意思是“把某人当作某物”,用于表达一种认知或判断,即说话者将某人视为或理解为某种特定的角色、身份或状态。以下是对该表达的具体阐述: 表达身份或角色 “take sb as sth”常用于描述将某人视作或认定为某个特定的身份或角色。例如,“I take him as a f...
例:Finally, taking ZR company as an example, we discussed how to apply it to practice. 最后,以ZR公司为例,探讨基于价值链理论的成本管理方法在企业中的实际应用。 扩展资料: Example是一个英文单词,名词译为例子,范例, 榜样,先例,动词译为举例, 作为什么的示范。take的用法: 1.拿,取 take sth to ...
这个短语中,"take sb./sth. as an example"是一种固定的搭配形式。 在常规语法和词典中,我们通常会看到"take sb./sth. as an example"这种搭配形式。当宾语较短时,我们通常采用常规语序。然而,当宾语较长且复杂时,为了阅读流畅性,我们会将宾语后置,这样读到前面部分时,便能快速理解这是一个固定搭配。比...
take sth as sth •I’ll take that remark as a compliment.我会把那句话当成夸奖。 take sth as evidence/proof (of sth) •The presence of dust clouds has been taken as evidence of recent star formation.尘云的出现已被视为最近有恒星形成的证据。 take sb/sth to be sth •I took her ...