Take Shape For LifeIndustrial: health & fittness Production: community more E-mail: Please log in for detailsRelated companies Aureus Specialty PharmacyByrons Hudson Valley HearingDr. Is InDr. Joseph CohenGenson Physical TherapyHarmony ChiropracticHealth QuestHudson Valley Foot AssociatesHudson Valley ...
In conclusion, while Take Shape for Life has helped some users achieve and maintain weight loss, it’s essential to consider factors like the sustainability of the diet, the cost and nature of the meal replacements, and the qualifications of health coaches. As with any diet program, it’s a...
Take Shape For Life0 目前没有评分公司网址: 公司主页2 品牌 动态 招聘 社交Take Shape For Life直销参与排名 行业 名次 排行营收 前一名 后一名 备注 整体 13508 229 « 广州珠江钢琴集团 江苏省交通科学研究院 » 批发零售 1284 229 « 哈里罗森 浙江汇德隆实业集团 » 直销 53 229 « ViSalus...
Top Take Shape For Life Alternatives or Sites Similar to Optavia.com includes viome.com, bistromd.com, nutrisystem.com, shaklee.com, zerofasting.com .
Define take shape. take shape synonyms, take shape pronunciation, take shape translation, English dictionary definition of take shape. v. took , tak·en , tak·ing , takes v. tr. 1. To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially: a. To grasp
95. take shape (things started to take shape) (ph. v.) 发展稳定(事情开始发展稳定)随着第一年营运许多混乱行事, 第二年中半途事情开始发展稳定After much scrambling in the first year of operation, things started to take shape midway through the second year. 96. take one's own life (took his...
And if I think that your script's in decent shape, you'll have the confidence to finish the damn thing.in decent shape:状态良好柯林斯英语释义:If someone or something is in shape, or in good shape, they are in a good state of health or in a good condition. If they are in bad ...
Patricia gave to her Vespas a personality and take shape in the form of different animals.(Patricia赋予她的韦氏伯机车不同的特性,将它们塑造成各种动物的外形。) The spark of life grew and each tiny brain began to take shape and form.(慢慢地,他们的生命之光开始点亮,他们的小脑袋也逐渐形成。
The meaning of TAKE THE SHAPE OF is to look like. How to use take the shape of in a sentence.
To take shape 这一短语经常用来表示一个有潜力的计划或构想开始成形,初见端倪。 例句 I’m glad to see your revision plan is beginning to take shape. Looks like you’ll be well prepared for the exams. Once the business plan takes shape ...