take sb at one's word 相信某人的话;照某人的话去做 take one's word for it 接受某人的话,强调说话者的话是真实的 take one at one's word 照对方说的做 pass sb one's word 保证, 允诺, 对某人许下诺言 pledge sb one's word 保证, 允诺, 对某人许下诺言 give sb one's word 向某...
沪江词库精选take sb into one's confidence是什么意思、英语单词推荐 把(某人)当作知心人 相似短语 take sb into one's confidence 把(某人)当作知心人 take sb at one's word 相信某人的话;照某人的话去做 take sb into one's service 雇用某人 be in sb's confidence 被某人信任, 参与某人的...
答案:in.本题考查汉译英.根据汉语提示可知这个短语为:take sb in one's arm.例如:The mother took her baby in her arm.妈妈拥抱她的孩子. 答案:in.本题考查汉译英.根据汉语提示可知这个短语为:take sb in one's arm.例如:The mother took her baby in her arm.妈妈拥抱她的孩子.拥抱某人对于汉译英...
根据网络上的英语翻译“take sb as one's teacher”的意思是:“拜某人为师”或“以某人为你的老师。”
take sb under one's wing 保护某人 例句:1.I'm gonna be the one that's under the bus, for sure.那可以肯定,被炒掉的一定是我。2.Nor will mr kim nuzzle docile under china's wing, though his son might.而金正日也不会驯服地躺在中国的卵翼之下,尽管他儿子可能会这么做。3.Even...
off one's back:让某人摆脱……(的打扰或烦恼) 14:20 I don't get it. Why would you want to start palling around with this tramp?pal around (with sb):和某人成为好友tramp的意思在第一集的笔记就有说明啦~ 14:45 If I'm to convince April it's not in her best interest to date a ...
the 此句型中在介词和身体部位词之间习惯上只用the, 不用物主代词 再如:I led him by the hand.如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步
“take sb to one side”别理解成“把人带到一边”大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——take sb to one side, 这个短语的含义不是指“把人带到一边”,其正确的含义是:take sb to one side 和(某人)私下交谈 Bill's father took him to one side and told ...